Marketing design, event design & branding

The Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership


Designer working with director, assistant director, social media marketer, event coordinator, and teaching assistant

12 months

Marketing design, campaign & event brainstorming, event branding, print design, event & environment design, woodworking

Pencil and paper, Adobe Creative Suite


The Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership’s (CEL) mission is to instigate faithful ventures for lasting impact through mentorships, networking events, classes, and annual competition. I had the chance to work as their Marketing Design Intern for a year. 

While working for CEL, the CEL Instigation Team's largest project was to plan a Social Venture Challenge with a theme that aligned with CEL's mission, vision, and values. 

Initial Marketing Materials

Below are several pieces constructed for CEL's advertising during
the 2016-2017 academic year, all materials approved by the director. 


Event Planning

We brainstormed all details of the event, from what lighting to use to who catered the food to which vendors we used. As the visual designer, I was able to take on tasks of art direction within the team. Because the term sustainability is almost overused today, we strategized how to best own the theme in CEL’s terms.

We concluded with the following key words, all falling under the term of “regeneration”, with following key words "sustainability developed, integrative, and resourceful". 

Below is the process we went through and the files we created to brand SVC. Our initial file created by our Event Coordinator, focused on ethereal, green, and lush. The second is a board compiling how I translated the word “sustainability” when first hearing it. After much team deliberation, we were able to come up with the words and I was able to compile the final mood board along with a color palette and sub-logo.


Event Design

The event sub-logo was able to be used on our invitations and as backdrops during our final event. We were able to carry out the theme of Regeneration with plants, organic local hors d’oeuvres catered by Chive Events, commissioned art with upcycled materials, and reusable and recyclable name tags. The CEL instigation team also had the opportunity to build cocktail tables for the networking part of the event using upcycled wood. 

We had over 170 people attend our event. We had a five judges, representing industries from non-profit to for-profit, venture capital firms to education-focused organizations. We heard positive feedback from our attendees.



“This is the most impressive
SVC I’ve seen.”

-Gordon College Alum

“The networking event was perfect! The location was awesome and I was comfortable meeting people.”

- Gordon College Faculty Member


Planning the Social Venture Challenge was an honor and joy to be part of. Because of the team's enthusiasm for CEL's vision, it made the event planning collaborative and enjoyable. It was amazing seeing the vision come to life. I could not have asked for a better team. This is an internship experience I will always cherish and remember. 

Another thank you to our sponsors and those who attended! For those interested, the Social Venture Challenge is located at Gordon College every April. Contact for more information.

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